Court Reporters Louisville KY
Searching for Court Reporters Louisville KY has brought you to us, Taylor Court Reporters Louisville KY, as a result, you’ve come to the right place! We have proudly served Louisville KY and the surrounding area for over four decades. Our professional, experienced court reporters are in high demand, likewise, our professionally trained videographers.
Our Court Reporting Services:
For your convenience, our scheduling assistant will walk you through the scheduling process. We assist you booking court reporters, videographers, videoconferences, and even more.
We’re always here for you, because your success is our success!
Taylor Court Reporters Louisville KY offer have experienced court reporters and and skilled legal videographers. We travel! Hence, you can rely on our extensive court reporting services anywhere in Kentucky. We offer you the following, and even more:
- Videoconferencing (Louisville & Lexington – ask about other locations)
- HD video deposition services
- E-Transcript and PDF transcripts
- Legal transcription
- Real-time Court Reporters
Choice of Deposition Conference Rooms:
In contrast to our competitors, Taylor Court Reporters Louisville KY has deposition conference rooms in two locations. Consequently, you can be in the heart of downtown Louisville where you can enjoy FREE WiFI. Furthermore, if you prefer the east end of Louisville, just outside the city, you can enjoy our FREE PARKING, and furthermore, FREE WiFI is also available.
Heart of Downtown Louisville Deposition Conference Rooms:
Our downtown Louisville KY deposition conference rooms are located at 312 S. 4th Street, Louisville KY 40202, therefore, we are close to some of the best hotels and restaurants in the city. Surface lot parking is available at Fifth and Liberty Streets, as well as parking garages.
East End Louisville Deposition Conference Rooms:
Because you may want to stay out of the downtown area, Taylor Court Reporters Louisville KY also offer deposition conference rooms at 10200 Forest Green Blvd, Ste 112, Louisville KY 40223. Here you can enjoy FREE PARKING & WiFi!
Professional Memberships:
National Court Reporters Association
Kentucky Court Reporters Association
Meet Taylor Court Reporters Louisville KY: