1. RealLegal E-Transcript is used by more than 70% of the court reporting industry.
  2. RealLegal E-Transcript technology is the benchmark for electronic transcripts and the standard delivery format for litigators nationwide.
  3. E-Transcript files ensure page and line integrity, allowing for custom formatting.
  4. E-Transcript offers the security of a tamper-proof, electronic signature.
  5. The E-Transcript Bundle Viewer is FREE.
  6. Unlike other formats, E-Transcript files are also compatible with West LiveNote, West Case Notebook and other popular litigation software.
  7. After you download the E-Transcript Bundle Viewer once, you can open any RealLegal E-Transcript file you receive.
  8. The E-Transcript Bundle Viewer reads PTX and PTZ files.
  9. With your E-Transcript Bundle Viewer you can receive and view PTZ files with hyperlinked exhibits, OCR-generated alphabetized wordlists from each exhibit page, view your videos with synchronized text, and easily create your own video clips for presentation to a jury, mediator, client, or member of your team.
  10. You can use the iBinder online repository to view your transcripts, exhibits, and videos anytime and anywhere you have an Internet connection.


Download the E-Transcript Bundle Viewer from Thomson Reuters today!