Court reporters and attorneys have long used social media to market themselves, educate the public, and share thoughts and ideas. Taylor Court Reporting Kentucky has a website,, a Facebook page, a Twitter account, and a Pinterest page, but something new is happening here in Kentucky, a Circuit Court Judge has given his courtroom a Facebook page. 

Judge Olu Stevens of Louisville Kentucky’s Jefferson County Circuit Court Division 6 started a Facebook page for his court room, but took it down; however you can find a Facebook page for Jefferson Circuit Court ClerkThe purpose of The Circuit Court Clerk’s page is to provide up-to-date information and the latest news regarding the circuit courts in Jefferson County Kentucky.



With 147 “Likes” so far, the page appears to be off to a great start and once word gets out, more and more Facebookers with an interest in the comings and goings of Division 6 will “Like” the page.
A post on March 23, 2013 states, “Hopefully this new page will assist all attorneys, particularly civil practitioners, in planning for hearings before the Court. If the Court is in trial in another matter, attorneys will be timely notified in order to reschedule hearings and call off witnesses subpoenaed to appear. The judge has never discussed the particulars of any case on social media and will not do so in this forum; but if you have a case before the Court, you will now have a new tool to utilize in planning for your upcoming trial or hearing.”
We suggest not relying on Facebook feeds, but actually going to Division 6’s Facebook Page for information.  With Facebook in a constant state of change, it’s hard to trust that because Facebook functions one way today, it will function the same way tomorrow.
Taylor Court Reporting Kentucky applauds Judge Stevens for his innovation and initiative and we wish him and his staff the best of luck with the new Division 6 Facebook Page.

Update:  Division 6’s Facebook page appears to have been taken down and is no longer available for viewing.

May we suggest Twitter next?