Growing Kentucky Court Reporting Firm Could Use Your Help!

Taylor Court Reporting Kentucky is owned and operated by court reporters so we know just how hard the job of a court reporter can be. Here at Taylor Court Reporting Kentucky, we believe our growth and success is, in large part, built on the growth and success of our court reporters, so as we grow, we are always looking for talented court reporters who want to join our dedicated team

Taylor Court Reporting Kentucky is a long-established court reporting firm with offices in Louisville and Lexington, Kentucky.  Our court reporters have served the Kentucky legal community for over 40 years. Taylor Court Reporting Kentucky is a growing mid-size court reporting firm and we are looking for outstanding court reporters to join our exceptional court reporting team.

Here’s what we offer a freelance court reporter:

  1. Deposition work with quality clients
  2. Great page rates
  3. Appearance Fees
  4. Team support & mentoring
  5. Email assignments
  6. Web upload of your completed assignments.

Here’s what we offer our staff court reporters:

  1. Deposition work with quality clients
  2. Fantastic hourly rates
  3. Appearance Fees
  4. Compensation for parking and wait time.
  5. Team support & mentoring
  6. Email assignments
  7. Web upload of your completed assignments.

Are you thinking you’ve got what it takes to be a court reporter and work with Taylor Court Reporting Kentucky, we’d love to hear from you. We encourage court reporters of all skill levels, beginners to real-time court reporters, to contact us and submit your resume through our website.