Court Reporters Should Network For Success
One of the most important building blocks to a successful career is networking, keeping up with old connections and building new ones.
You may be completely content in your current position, but in today’s ever-changing employment landscape networking should be one of your top priorities. Connections and opportunities are all around us, so let’s explore some different ideas we all can try.
Great and social groups abound on the internet making it easier to connect than ever before. Before posting, it’s important for court reporters and others to remember the information you post can be seen by just about anyone. Always think before you post and then do so in a professional manner. Don’t post unprofessional pictures of yourself. Wearing a bikini on a houseboat with a drink in your hand may be great fun and appropriate on the weekend, but do you want your boss or potential employer viewing you in that light? Offensive language is just that, offensive, so keep it clean when posting or commenting online. Don’t get involved in name-calling or piling on someone with a different view than yours. Take the high road, find something kind or positive to say or don’t say anything at all.
Below are some free networking websites court reporters can use. Each site has different groups and subjects as varied as its members. Be sure to join groups that interest you and then contribute regularly. Here are trusted websites good for networking:
Court Reporters Forum – CompuServe
In addition to the internet, get involved locally or within your business community. Join professional, as well as social organizations. Take a class, learn something new. Attend plays, join a book club or civic group, donate your time to a worthy cause, get to know the people around you, make connections and maybe make some new friends.
One of the most important connections you have are your fellow court reporters. Join your national association, like the National Court Reporters Association or the National Verbatim Reporters Association. Join your state association, like the Kentucky Court Reporters Association, and join your neighboring state associations, like the Tennessee Court Reporters Association or the Indiana Court Reporters Association. Attend court reporting meetings and conventions and keep up with what’s going on in your profession, get to know those people making a difference and become one of them.
Remember, to be successful in networking, you have put yourself out there, so pick and choose your best opportunities for networking. Be prepared by doing a little homework on the event you plan to attend and on those you know will be attending. Make every effort to meet people you don’t know and don’t be afraid to make the first move by reaching out and introducing yourself first. Remember names and learn by listening while others talk. Don’t get so comfortable as to linger too long and forget you’re there to meet new people. Be sure to keep notes on your contacts and follow up with an email, note or phone call. In this way, people are more likely to remember you.
I hope these networking tips help you build a stronger career. Happy Networking!