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 Westlaw Case Notebook Portable E-Transcript for iPad and iPhone


E-Transcript for iPad

E-Transcript for iPad

Portable Etranscript


Portable E-Transcript is a professional application available for your iPad or iPhone.  You can review and annotate E-Transcripts anytime, anywhere.  All you need is an iPad or iPhone and you can begin using your E-Transcript electronic witness testimony transcripts on the go.

Portable E-Transcript features:      

  • Works on your iPad and iPhone
  • Word Index helps you search and find terms within your E-Transcript
  • Receive E-Transcript format (PTX) via email, Dropbox, and iTunes
  • Ability to add electronic highlighting and notes
  • Email a transcript with highlighting and notes from iPad or iPhone
  • Update the transcript in the desktop version of Westlaw Case Notebook to include the highlighting and notes added in the app.

 With the  Portable E-Transcript you can:  

  • Receive E-Transcript format (PTX) via email, Dropbox, and iTunes
  • Add electronic highlighting and notes
  • Update the transcript in the desktop version of Westlaw® Case Notebook to include the highlighting and notes added in the app.